Monday, April 19, 2010

Vegetable Adventure

I realized a while ago that I am severely lacking in the amount of veggies I eat. You are supposed to have a few servings a week, I am lucky if I get 1 a week. Pretty bad! I just don't really like them and don't really know creative ideas to use them. Opening a can of mixed veggies makes me want to gag! Solution: A VEGETABLE ADVENTURE!

A vegetable adventure is as follows (I make the rules because it is my adventure), of the list of 48 vegetables, I want to try at least 1 a week and also find different ways to eat them. Not just dipping everything in ranch dressing! Do you want to join in on the adventure? So the adventure has begun! First on the list is ARTICHOKE!

I really really wanted to like my artichoke, but I kind of didn't! I will try it again when I haven't been drinking a martini and see if that changes the taste. It kind of made me want to throw up, and that is a bummer. I previously had no idea how to consume one of these confusing looking artichokes! Did you know that you eat the "meat" off of each and every leaf? Plus there is a big heart in the middle you get to eat!

1 comment:

Joyful said...

I still think we should call it our "AdVEGture".

Love the you!