Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Food Strategy?

I recently went to a food seminar and was blown away from the information that I heard! It pretty much contradicted all of the nutritional information I had ever heard. Basically the jist of it was that we needed to eat the way the Creator intended us to. Everything organic, and alive, and made yourself! A few of the key things that I took away. . Eat lots of butter, drink raw milk or kiefer, make your own chicken/beef broth, buy all organic produce, only use sprouted flour and grains, and eat liver once a week! Here is the book that they based everything on.
I definitely don't want to knock their ideas by any means but it was just interesting that many of their thoughts were so far from main stream nutrition ideas. The research they showed was fascinating though and definitely gave really good evidence! I haven't taken a lot of time to do anymore research, but I think my verdict on everything is mixed. There is definitely some wonderful and valuable nutritional information and I will take part of that with me. I believe that mainstream nutritionists and dietitians (like my friend Ellen) have great ideas too. I am thinking that my plan will be to dabble a little in both, and do some more research.
In the mean time I gave the kiefer making thing a shot this weekend. Check out this website for more info. The thing that gets me is that you leave milk out at room temp!! Crazy!

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