Friday, April 25, 2008

Day of Blessings

I took thursday off from work to spend with my Grandma who was up visiting. So, a day that starts with sleeping in a little is destined to be good! Am I right?

So the day entailed manicures, lunch, shopping, and clay your way!!!! Heck yah, new shoes and clay your way!!! I think I am in heaven! It even ended spending time with some friends and good old Barnes and Noble!

The beginning actually started a little rocky with a not so nice manicure. Ok, maybe thats not fair, I have 7 fingers that look good and 3 that look like a young child did them. Oh well! Hopefully no one will notice!

Do you ever have days like this? Days that are just so packed full of good things? I feel so so blessed when I get days like that! Who Cares that my laundry is piling over, right? I guess I know what I should work on this weekend! Notice how I used the word should? ; )

You will never find the time. . . You have to make the time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! It makes we want to go outside and find something wonderful and exciting and fun and beautiful to do ... everyday!
I hope tomorrow is only better than today!